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Introduction to a Horror Movie Lover

Hello everyone, my name is Callie Simonton. I'm a Film and Media studies major currently in my final semester at the University of Oklahoma. I love movies, specifically horror movies. That's a strange niche I know, who in their right mind would choose that genre over the rest? Maybe it's due to the fact that I grew up with them and find even the low budget and cult movies to be an enjoyable experience. Something about the idea of the extensive makeup effects and the creation of paranormal and otherworldly monsters make my interests in horror films even worse. Favorites? The Saw series, those films are just so mind bending and fun to watch. I took a few Horror classes over the last few semesters and I enjoyed every single bit of them. With that in mind, in the future I'm hoping to make or take part in making some horror films as a career.

I live with a few roommates in Norman, one of those being my little brother. I have two dogs, both of them are pomskys (Pomeranian - Husky) although one has a bit of mutt in him and was a rescue. They are my pride and joy these days. If you ever feel like you're becoming lonely I highly suggest a dog, they are always around and give you something to look forward to when you get home and wake up in the morning. Also help you get out of the house, at least for me, I enjoy taking my two dogs for a walk.

(Personal photo of dog Koda from November 2018)
 (Personal photo of dog Remi from November 2018)
(Personal photo of dogs Koda and Remi from October 2018)

Besides enjoying good to bad horror films I play a lot of video games when I'm not working on schoolwork. MMOs are my favorite. Currently, for the last couple years since it was released, I've been enjoying a game called Overwatch made by Blizzard. Blizzard is well known for their MMORPG World of Warcraft which I played a lot before the release of Overwatch.

As much as I may consider myself having a dislike of physical activity, I do enjoy going for hikes and exploring trails. I went on a few day trips with my parents and dogs to hike in the Wichitas in the fall, I enjoyed each trip immensely. Something about hiking in forests helps to relax and sooth both my mind and body, maybe it's a form of meditation.

(Personal Photo of me and my dogs from September 2018) 


  1. Hi Callie!

    Reading your intro was so fun and interesting. I personally am not a fan of the Saw movies, but I do love your interests. Your film background is so interesting to me because I am completely opposite from you. I am a pre-med major so it is quite the contrast from film. The Wichita Mountains are so pretty to hike. I actually live in Lawton, so I am not too far and get to visit often. If you like swimming, in the summer people like to visit this swimming hole that you have to hike to get to. It is really pretty to look at, but I also hear that there are snakes in there.. People say you just have to ignore the fact and just jump in because it's so fun. Your dogs are absolutely adorable! I have a German Shepherd and he is a light in my life at all times. Good luck this semester!

  2. Hi Callie, I enjoyed reading your blog post! I also enjoyed seeing your two doggos! I have a husky and malamute mix whose name is bruce! I like how you love to watch movies! Movies are the best thing ever in my opinion. I specifically love all the marvel movies! My favorite horror movie probably has to go to the shining, that one is a classic.

  3. Hey Callie! First off your dogs are soooo gorgeous!!!!! Such a cute blend of Pomeranian and Husky. I can't wait to be more responsible to I can get my own dog someday. I have a feeling it wont be for awhile though lol. I'm not much of a movie person only because I have such a short attention span. It's hard to focus. However, when I do watch movies I almost always opt for the thrillers or horrors. One of the ones I watched most recently was Hush and I really enjoyed it.

  4. Hi Callie! I love your dogs a bunch! I have one my self but she is a little shitzu named Oreo. I used to not like horror movies at all, but now I am starting to love them. There is something nice about the suspense that I've been enjoying. I also used to love playing blizzard games. I played Hearthstone for about 3 years, but had to stop playing since it was such a time and ,even worse, money suck. I was never really that good though. I really enjoy playing shooters now. Good luck and have fun at OU. Alex

  5. Hi Callie! Your dogs are precious. My dad and I watch low budget horror movies for fun so I don't think your love of them is strange at all. I used to watch those Syfy ones especially, and watch for the bad CGI haha. If you have any suggestions for low budget horrors, I'd love to hear them. I always wonder about what goes into creating the effects and I know there is a lot of work that goes into makeup. I'm sure since you're so invested them, you'll be great at making horrors! It was nice to meet you! -Daana

  6. Hey Callie it's Jack! I definitely cannot resonate with you on the love of horror films. Getting excited to be terrified just isn't one of the tings that I want to do, why pay to be scared in a dark room? Overwatch and WoW are good games to play with friends but I am personally just into single player games I guess. Bloodborne is my newest venture I am a big fan, mostly because I can defeat the big bad monsters that win in horror movies.

  7. This is so cool, Callie: I'm finishing up the Introductions today, and I think you are the first FVS major so far this semester. That is one of the best majors at OU for creativity and critical thinking, and I hope you will find good connections between this class and the kinds of word you are doing in your FVS classes. Horror is usually not my genre, but I liked Jordan Peele's Get Out so much that I'm going to have to give his new film Us a try... even though he says it is going to be way way way scarier than Get Out was! Eeeek!
    And both Koda and Remi are such beauties: maybe you will add their pictures to the "Pet Padlet" -- Padlet Tech Tips, which is a fun way to do an extra credit Tech Tip thing. :-)

  8. Hi Callie!
    I love horror movies too, so i understand your feeling of it being a strange niche. I started watching horror movies when I was pretty little with my aunt and have loved them ever since. I don't have a lot of friends that like horror movies though, so I watch them with my little brother (he's 16).
    Koda and Remi are SO cute!!! My dog is a yellow lab, and her name is Bailey. Dogs are probably among the best company ever.

  9. Hey Callie! I also enjoy horror films; Saw was such a fun movie to watch. I saw it with my sister, who is also a big fan of anything thriller/horror related. The Saw series definitely made it up there, on our list of favorites. Another one I really liked was the Hannibal Lector series; I’m a psychology major, so that aspect of it really intrigued me. Your dogs are adorable! I love all of the pictures you shared of them, they seem like great companions to bring along on your outdoor adventures!

  10. Hi Callie!
    First off, your major sounds really interesting! I don't think I've ever met another Film and Media Studies major before. I myself get really terrified when watching horror movies, do you have any tips that might help me overcome my fear? Also I know that everyone else has commented this but your dogs are sooo cute!! Pomskys are some of my favorite types of dogs so I really liked seeing your pics.

  11. Hey Callie! That's so crazy you really like horror movies! I do not think I like them very much but honestly I do not think I have watched almost any! Probably the scariest movie I have watched is Insidious 2 and I don't think that would be considered a horror movie but I don't know. I do remember it being kind of exciting though so maybe I should try to watch another one.

  12. Hi Callie!

    I really enjoyed reading your introduction post! I am terrified of horror movies. I watch them, but I refuse to watch them alone. I am the biggest baby when it comes to watching horror movies... I will literally have a blanket and pillow and cover my eyes and ears, which really just defeats the purpose of watching the movie in the first place! ALSO! Your dogs are SO cute! I love Pomsky's and I have been wanting one for the longest time, but I have to wait until I'm done with school because I barely have time to take care of myself LOL. I loved that you shared pictures of your dogs, it made me really happy because I just love dogs!!

  13. Hey Callie! Your dogs are adorable! In my neighborhood back home there is a huge husky that lives down the street, and I have always considered them to be such a beautiful breed. I too love to hike, and definitely find walking among the trees to be a meditative practice. Going on night walks is one of my favorite things - they are both relaxing and invigorating, as you breath in the night air and move under the stars.

  14. I dislike horror movies so much! But that's okay, you can enjoy them enough for the both of us! I do agree that it is interesting to think of all of things that goes into a horror movie, especially crazy makeup, I'll give you that. Also, I love the pictures of your dogs. They look like a lot of fun.

  15. Hi Callie,

    First, your dogs are so cute! I love dogs so much and can't help noticing them wherever I go. Second, I am also a horror movie lover! I find us a rare breed as it seems no one wants to watch scary movies anymore! I also love the Saw series especially the first one! My favorite genre within horror movies is psychological horror films like Black Swan, Get Out, and Shutter Island. If you haven't seen any of those, I definitely reccomend them!

  16. Hi Callie,

    I love horror movies too! I agree with Jasmine, I think that psychological thrillers are my favorite. However, no one else ever wants to watch them and watching horror films with out your friends/family jumping around and hiding their faces just isn't as fun.

    Lastly... Those dogs are so cute! I lived in Lawton up until I came here a few years ago and any weekend that the weather was relatively mild, and I had time, I was up in the mountains or in Medicine Park.

    It was lovely meeting you!

  17. Hey Callie,

    I think it's dope that you love horror movies, my favorite is still the original Nightmare on Elm Street. Also, did you ever take an FMS class with sunrise? I took his class for my art credit and I never realized how much more there is to movies than just good writing. DO you still play OW? With Baptiste releasing soon, apparently everyone is complaining and saying the game is dead now. I haven't really noticed, the game could be amazing or awful and I'd still be stuck in platinum regardless lol. Super nice to meet you and good luck with graduation coming up!

  18. Hey Callie, your dogs are so cute. I love their names. Remi is a pretty badass name tbh. I've always been intrigued by pomskys and now I can say they are truly beautiful dogs. I also think its super cool that your go-to movie genre choice is horror. I am truly the worst at watching horror movies, I think I've seen a total of 2. (Insidious 1 and 2) and if I'm being honest, I could not sleep for a couple days after... I know, super lame but not all of us are as brave as you. I think it's cool though, that you appreciate them.

  19. Hello, Callie!

    You have a couple of very cute dogs with some sweet names! I didn't know that breed of dog was called pomsky, but I've certainly seen some similar looking pups so now I know! I am such a horror movie fanatic I've seen every horror movie that is worth seeing and plenty that were not! My favorite social media posts are the ones that tell you which scary movies are in the works: they making a conjuring 3, another Annabelle movie and countless others! I look forward to reading your posts!

  20. Hi there Callie!

    Thank you SO much sharing photos of your dogs! They are absolutely adorable, and seem to smile a lot, which is awesome! I LOVE dog photos. So, thanks for the smile :) I thought it was hilarious that you said it was "fun" to watch the movie Saw!! Eeekkk! Isn't it interesting how we can all do a similar activity yet have completely different experiences? You mentioned that you are hoping to make horror movies. Have you made any yet? I can't wait to read your stories! I hope you have incorporated your love of horror into a story!

  21. Hi Callie,
    I loved the pictures of your dogs! I am getting on as soon as I graduate in May!! I also am fascinated that you like horror movies. I love movies, they have always been my dad and I's thing but the one thing we can agree on is NO HORROR. My friends always try to get me to watch them or go to haunted houses and I refuse!

  22. Hi Callie! I've only met one other person who seems to love horror movies just as much as you do. I'm not a huge fan of horror movies, but I do love the Saw series so we've got that in common at least! I'm graduating this semester too (if all goes well), and I'm not entirely sure what I'm going to do after graduation. I've applied to a couple of jobs as well as to a couple of graduate schools, but I don't know just yet. So, I think it's cool you seem to have an idea of what your career goals would look like. Good luck after graduation!

  23. Hey Callie,
    I love your dogs; they are absolutely adorable. Also, I love movies as well, but I think horror is my least favorite genre. My family in India love horror movies and like to make fun of the fact that I am terrified of them. I have a border collie, so I understand what you mean by getting out of the house because she loves to go on walks. Anyway, it was great to meet you and have a great rest of the semester.

  24. Hey Callie, doggggs oh my, I love them all! I myself have a great dane and am obsessed. I love how you are such a fan of horror movies, as I always grew up watching them with my mom. They are so thrilling and fun to watch, even being scared I cant look away!

  25. Hi Callie,

    First off, congrats on your upcoming graduation in a few weeks!

    I can’t say I agree with you about horror movies – I hate them – but I guess someone has to like and watch them, so I’m more than happy to hand that responsibility off to you.

    Your dogs are adorable, and quite a pair. They also sure look like they’re enjoying the hike as much as you are.


  26. Hi Callie! Wow your pictures of your dogs were, dare I say, my favorite pictures out of all the dog pictures I've seen in this class so far. That is saying a lot! I think huskies look like such a fun dog to have but I am worried about keeping them in Oklahoma because I worry they might get too hot? But I know people have them here so I bet they're fine. Do yours do that cute howling talking thing? That's my favorite. Scary movies tend to be too much for me because I am a baby but you have to watch Buzzfeed Unsolved sometime! I like it because they have a supernatural part of their videos where they look for ghosts in haunted places but it's mostly just really funny because one guy doesn't believe in ghosts and the other guy does. So random but you should check it out!

  27. Hi, Callie! Its so nice to finally meet you! Congratulations on your final semester at the University of Oklahoma! How was your college experience at OU? Was it something that you had expected?
    Oh my gosh! I absolutely love your dogs! They are way too cute! I also have two dogs, and they are both Pomeranians. I don’t think that I’d be able to live without my babies!

  28. Hi Callie,

    It is great to meet you. I think your major sounds so fun and interesting! It is funny that you mentioned how much you love horror movies because I am literally so terrified with scary movies. Even if the movie isn't super frightening for other people, you bet I will be jumping out of my seat and having bad dreams. I wish I could watch them without being scared lol. Maybe I will eventually learn how to? That is so cool that you want to produce horror films, maybe we will see your name on the big screens someday!

  29. Hi hi Callie,,

    I noticed that your figures lack proper captions. As a highly skilled technical writer, and not at pretentious jerk with an insufferable superiority complex, allow me to educate you on proper figure formatting for scientific papers, which is clearly the proper form method for captioning all images, regardless of their field of use.

    All figures should start with Fig (figure number): or Figure (figure number): in bold followed by a dry and entirely uninteresting, but informative title using the same font as the surrounding text. This is the only way to correctly format captions, and should be used by everyone at all times regardless of whether or not they are in a technical field. Also, if you don't use this caption format, Dr. Ramkumar Parthasarathy will sneak into your house and eat all your strawberry icecream at night.

    Goodaye Mate


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