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Showing posts from April, 2019

Week 14 Reading: Buddist Jakata Tales

The first story I enjoyed reading the most was the monkey bridge. There was a tree by the river. It was a beautiful tree that bore fruit unknown to the men down the river. Monkeys feasted on this fruit, and they made sure that the fruit never fell into the water or it would be found by the men in the villiage downstream. The cheif warned that if that were to happen the fruit tree would be discovered and destroyed by the men who often destroyed things that were beautiful. The fruit was divine, so this risk was something the monkeys avoided at all costs. Well sometimes mistakes happen, a fruit, by accident, slipped off the tree and floated down the river to some fishmen who in turn brought it to the king. The king, being a greedy individual, demanded the friit tree be found after discovering the friit was insanely delightful. When they areived they found the fruit surrounded by monkeys, who overnight panicked as they heard the king would kill them and eat them too. So the chief, being ...

Tech Tips: Twitter Follows

I've never really used twitter, nor browsed people I may want to follow, so I thought why not for this week's Tech Tip. I decided I'd follow some of my favorite game developers like Riot Games, Blizzed, Gearbox, and Bethesda, and I also decided to follow some people I know and my OU Esports Club's social media account. I also decided to follow some of my favorite Youtube creators like Pewdiepie and Dunkey. I chose all of these people because it may serve me well to know when a new game is coming out or progress on then, as well as new videos from my favorite creators!

Week 12 Story: The Wise Mantis

There was a wise yet strange mantis who lived very lonesomely in an orchid plat near the base of a tree. His neighbors, bless him, were a colony of carpenter ants who lived inside the base of the tree. The mantis was an outcast, he was small and couldn’t even fend for himself when he was put up against other mantises. It was hard for him to find food, in fact, even with food right at his doorstep he was wise to know not to play around with a colony of ants, especially ones with big chommpers and a reputation for getting angry. But, being wise, mantis hatched a plan. He froze, unnmoving, like a stick, right outside the openings of the colony’s empire. He observed, and watched as they worked all day into the night...until work stopped. See, in first hour of darkness the ants would stop working, and exactly a minute before nine, the last ants would arrive one by one with their catch of food for the day. The mantis knew this was his chance to strike, his chance at survival. So the mant...

Reading Notes: Jataka Childrens Tales

A hypocritical cat, though not so hypocritical, was too weak to hunt for mice so instead he decided that he would wait outside of their hole and stand in a weird pose. After a long enough time, the rats were curious and approached him. He stood on one foot and looked at the sun. He told the rats he worshipped the sun, and at no food. In a way, the cat posed as a deity to the rats. And so the rats worshipped him. They passed by him every day with offerings and bows, and sometimes the cat would offer life advice or words of wisdom. He managed to pick off rats one by one when the others weren’t looking till one day he was caught red handed. The king of the rats was suspicious of the cat, as his “troops” were going missing...hmmm. They caught him in the act, the rat victim jumping out of the way in time to survive.  The rats were vicious and overthrew him, killing him, and eating him. What a vicious way to die... There was a crocsdile couple that lived in the river, and a money tha...

Learning Challenge: Deskersizes Active Arm Stretches from  "Deskercise: 17 Exercises You Can Do At or Near Your Desk" This was my favorite article because it had so many exercises listed that were simply described. I really liked the arm stretched (active) where you stretch your arms up for 10 seconds. I often get knots in the back of my neck and shoulders from being so tense so I think this exercise will really help in the long run. The lower back exercise were you put your shoulders to your ear and hold it may also help because I do often experience bad posture and back pain when I'm at my computer for too long!

Tech Tips: Embedding Youtube

Sorry to do this to you all but this is one of my favorite songs of all time, and not because it's an amazing meme but because the lyrics are golden and the song is catchy AF! Embedding this was way easier than I thought it would be...woohoo!

Week 11 Story: Krishna the Special

    Krishna and Kaliya      Krishna was unique. When he was born it seemed the world was already out to get him, but that didn't stop him from growing up. In fact, nothing could, the child was an avatar of Vishnu. God weren't well know for how easily they died.      When he was born, he was already one of the most troublesome children to take care of. He screamed and yelled when he didn't get his way, and often seemed to be much smarter than any recently born child would be for his age. He was demanding, only made worse by the extreme strength that was bestowed upon him at birth.     In the earliest instance of someone trying to kill him, a demon named Putana tried to poison him with her terrible breast milk. To her surprise, Krishna enjoyed it enough to suck her dry, ultimately killing her....oops! Poor King Kansa needed to find other ways to kill this "baby".    And so it was decided that a large giant demon would be...

Tech Tip: Word Counter

I knew that there were many chrome extensions but I never thought that one as simple as a word counter would become so handy. I have always had to use a word counter website to find out my word count if I'm writing in-browser, so this extension comes as a sweet relief to those extra steps.  I usually am the type to write the bare minimum, not that I have trouble reaching that, I just don't always have time to babble on and on so I will check periodically to make sure when I reach it I quickly end my ideas.