Bharata comes home to find that his father has passed away. His is in mourning. His mother still thinks that it'll all be ok because Bharata can become the maj. Bharata refuses and mourns that his brother Rama was exiled to the forest. He vows that he will bring Rama back to be raj. He cursed the old hag that brainwashed his mother. Rama still refused to take the raj in honor of his fathers vow so Bharata ruled in his place, a pair of golden-laid sandals to represent Rama's rule when he returns from his forest exile. Bharata decided to rule from outside the palace in the same conditions that Rama was in his honor. Rama, Lakshmana, and Sita are together then they are attacked by a demon. The demon take Sita whilst Rama and Lakshamana attempt to get her back. The arrows bounce off it's body, but whn the demon takes Rama and Lak into its arms, they break them, dig a hole, and throw the demon into the pit. Another rakshana, the sister of Ravana, decides that Rama is to be...